Architecture / 11 October 2016

Brillamenti for Stefano Boeri: Urban Tree Lounge

URBAN TREE LOUNGE by Stefano Boeri Studio The concept underlying this lighting installation is “moving light”. We hit the bull’s eye when we created cuts of light to the hanging elements manufactured by 3M with light and coloured glossy mirror film, so that these, rustling in the evening breeze, reproduced the dance of light created […]

Events / 11 October 2016

Brillamenti at the FuoriSalone 2016

Brillamenti attended the international showcase of Fuorisalone: from the 11th to the 17th of April 2016, HiProject was in Milan to introduce the new brand, Brillamenti, the evolution of My Led. During the Salone del Mobile, when all the spotlights of the design, architecture and interior design sectors were focused on Milan, Brillamenti was present […]

Lighting / 11 October 2016

Radura by Stefano Boeri illuminated by Brillamenti

The Lighting Laboratory Team lit Radura for the “Salone del Mobile” event in Milan‬. Hi.Project with its previous brand MyLed, partecipated to the installation designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti providing its Led lamps.

/ 11 October 2016

Ledera by Cini Boeri introduced in Corso Como 10

Il 13 settembre 2015 a Milano, in Corso Como 10 presso la galleria Carla Sozzani, è stata presentata la lampada LEDERA, concepita dall’architetto Cini Boeri. Un’opera unica nel suo genere…