Residential lighting
Customised solutions

Zbowl and Zword, created as dedicated “custom” luminaires, have now become part of the range of Brillamenti’s lighting products.

In autumn 2009 the architect Giorgio Zaetta, head of the firm Zaetta Studio in Feltre (BL), came to us with a residential project which provided for the use of spherical and tubular lamps.

Considering that the market did not offer similar products for this specific requirement, we decided to design new lighting fixtures with Led technology based on the architect’s aesthetic design. In January 2010 we introduced the first prototypes and a few months later we launched the products on the market.

The residence’s architectural project included the installation of over 350 balls, which made any other type of Led lighting an unsuitable alternative to the needs of the service, due to the high temperature that it would have emitted.

  • Project by: Arch. Giorgio Zaetta
  • Customer: Privato
  • Place: Provincia di Treviso
  • Year: 2010
  • Photo: Copyright Alberto Ferrero